There are those of us as well, who will not be spending time with loved ones or exchanging gifts. There are as many reasons why as there are fish in the sea. It is never easy if you are the one going through it.
A good friend recently reminded me of this quote, I don't know the origin. He said, "What is meant for you will not miss you. What misses you was not meant for you." I took great comfort in the words and have tried to remember them every day, one day at a time.
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For many months now, my sister has posted and shared pictures of hearts. She sees them everywhere. In the rocks and trees, the shapes of leaves, little impressions in the sidewalk, shells on the beach and swirls in the coffee. The more she looks for these tokens of love, the more the hearts keep flowing to her. Her friends joined in, and now many other people are posting pictures of those little hearts that come to them during the day.
Witnessing this with my sister and her group of friends taught me something. I believe that the more we look for love and joy in the small pleasures of every day life, the more it flows back to us. We become a "magnet" for that love, that just grows and grows. By giving of our love freely, it will return. Perhaps not in the way that we hope or think, but it will come back to us.
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." John 15:12
If you are going through a lonely or difficult time in your life, remember that you are not alone. Our Creator loves us more than we can possibly imagine, and wants good things for our lives. This I believe with all of my heart and soul.
So here is my Valentine's Day hug and prayer for you. May our Lord bless you and keep you. May your life be filled with peace, love, joy, hope, and good health for all of your days. There is no one else on Earth just like you, and you are so loved. As my wise friend said to me, "Be patient a little longer."
May you walk in beauty and grace,
Spirit Bear